Workshop: Analyzing Qualitative Data in the Humanities & Social Sciences

This workshop is designed for PhD candidates working with qualitative data, particularly interviews, in the humanities and social sciences. 

Image may contain: Light, Product, Font, World, Astronomical object.

Qualitative research. Picture from QualiFAIR, UiO.


Workshop Structure

The workshop will be led by Dr. Ansgar Jödicke (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) and Dr. Andrea Rota (University of Oslo), and will provide to the participants the opportunity to engage in critical discussions on established frameworks for analyzing qualitative data, with a specific emphasis on interview analysis techniques. The workshop will promote a “hands-on” approach and allow the participant to gain new insights in the analysis of their own data.


Part 1: Interdisciplinary discussions on methodologies for qualitative data analysis, with a focus on interview analysis.

Part 2: Participants will receive individual feedback from Dr. Jödicke on their submitted data analysis (or data collection plan). Specific submission guidelines will be provided beforehand.

Part 3: Dr. Rota will introduce software tools for qualitative data analysis, demonstrating their functionalities.


This is a 1 ECTS workshop. 



The workshop will take place at IKOS on Wednesday, August 28, from 11:00 until 16:00, with a lunch break. It is possible to register for the workshop until August 7; a sample of data analysis of max. five pages must be submitted by August 15 at the latest.

Please send in up to five pages presenting your data and analysis. Please provide:

  • A working title
  • An abstract outlining your project no longer than 10 lines
  • Relevant background information about the data that you are collecting in your project
  • Up to 2 pages of transcription (if available), including further background information about the excerpt
  • Up to 2 pages of interpretation (if available)

Feel free to also include a reflection or explanation on the way you analyzed your data, as well as your methodological questions. If you have not collected any original data yet, please submit a short text instead, presenting your strategy for data collection and analysis, as well as your methodological questions.

Both registration and working paper are to be directed to Kari Andersen (  

Published June 5, 2024 3:00 PM - Last modified June 17, 2024 9:08 AM